Accelerating the Success of Women-Owned Corporate Suppliers
Accelerating the Success of Women-Owned Corporate Suppliers
Our Founders Are Doing Business with These Organizations

“Secured $265,000 for a 6-month project! 7 months ago, I could never imagine myself being a successful consultant, let alone closing these kinds of clients. Thank you for EVERYTHING. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Love you all!”
Desiree, inclusive branding expert
The Opportunity

Women have been making lemonade with society’s lemons for far too long. When the pandemic hit, women in the United States accounted for 100% of the job losses. These are the very same jobs where women earned 83 cents on average for every $1 earned by their male peers due to the wage gap.
In response to these challenges and more- women around the world began launching businesses at record rates.
Yet, when we dissect what’s happening to these businesses- a new disparity rears its ugly head.
Women-owned firms average 67% less revenue than their male counterparts. Latina-owned firms average $51,000 per year and black-women owned firms average only $24,000 annually.
The good news? Success leaves clues.
Less than 12% of women-owned firms achieve six-figures in annual revenue.
Less than 4% of women-owned firms achieve seven figures in annual revenue.
Of those that do achieve these revenue feats- the vast majority of their revenue is sourced through corporate contracts.
This is the aha moment that led us to launch a global movement.
Securing merely one high-value corporate client is life-changing for a women-owned firm.
We’ve found that one corporate deal is often worth more than 50 individual consumer clients for the women entrepreneurs we serve.
Better yet, corporations are aligned with our mission.
Organizations are expanding their supplier diversity initiatives, many pledging billions of dollars in annual spend to women-owned and diverse small businesses.

Four million new jobs and $981 billion in revenue would be created if the average revenue of minority women-owned firms matched that of white women-owned businesses in the United States, alone.
Economic equality is our Northstar. Our programs are rooted in modern, real-world strategies focused on one core objective: repeatable, sustainable revenue growth.
Our unconventional methods have proven to create unparalleled, quantifiable impact for the women entrepreneurs we serve. Coupled with our network of expert mentors and advisors- the women entrepreneurs in our ecosystem experience accelerated revenue growth, priceless connections, and life-changing transformation.
We are a mission-driven company-founded by a woman and steered by an unstoppable team of women leaders. As a company that has bootstrapped to accomplish what less than 1% of black women-owned firms achieve- our leadership team is uniquely dialed into the specific challenges that women entrepreneurs face when founding businesses in today’s environment.

Our accelerator is one of the most highly sought out programs for women entrepreneurs worldwide. We’ve served over 360 founders through the Accelerator- accelerating them into their next level of business growth. Our alumni are 6 and 7-figure women business owners who are hailed as today’s thought leaders solving the world’s most complex problems.
Take your business to the next level and serve higher-paying corporate clients with our signature program, The 12% Accelerator. We disrupted the status quo and created the only Accelerator of its kind globally for women consulting corporate.
Corporations have pledged billions of dollars in annual spending to diverse, small businesses with initiatives to only increase this spending year over year.
Is your firm well-positioned to capture its fair share of this multi-billion dollar opportunity?